Carbon Tax Canada Site - Planning Session
Summary of Project/Site to Date
1. research
2. outreach to stakeholder orgs.
3. domain reg. + basic drupal site
4. draft site misssion+
5. begun: list of weblinks - from media, other related resources
Goals of the site/project
1. development of a viable federal policy proposal for carbon taxes
2. build a constituency of organizations and individuals that support the proposal
3. engage in the next federal election with 1. & 2.
3. cost recovery of our time
4. business model for future work
1. Jan 24: public launch of the site - focussed on building a public constituency / education / dialogue
2. Feb 1: (re-) engagement of organizational stakeholders in proposal building
3. Mar 1: first public draft policy proposal
4. April 1: be ready for a federal election with:
- a reasonably complete policy proposal to present to the media + parties + candidates
- a constituency of individuals and organizations that can be activated and publicized in favour of the proposal
5. Follow up in the future?
- follow up lobbying during a potential parliamentary process?
- engagement with new MPs to sponsor a carbon tax bill?
6. ? Get some donations ?
1. media coverage - references? which media?
2. site traffic - visitors / day?
3. draft policy proposal
4. # of stakeholders, registrants
Policy Goal: Task Brainstorm
1. Further identification of Organizational stakeholders - start with CAN (from bali) - paul
2. Engagement of OS - with working groups - initially one, potentially other groups
3. Policy key issues:
- revenue neutral: how?
- globalization/harmonization: analysis of how this limits scope of a $C tax
- [jaccard]
- how are the taxes applied: production vs. consumption vs. distribution comparison - logic model + practicalities
- amount: can we make it a market mechanism to determine this?
- "efficiency" - fallacies
- "cap and trade" - why this is not a good alternative
Public Education/Consituency Goal: Task Brainstorm
1. Organization of weblinks (?)
2. Engagement of public via weblinks - enable commenting - Alan
3. SEO + External linking - Alan
4. "About" pages using as a model? Paul
- primary "about carbon taxes" page
- "about this site" page
- 'myths' page (using FAQ module)
5. Enable site registration, set up CiviCRM profile with 'i support some form of carbon taxes' checkbox, with profile listing page (petition-like function) - Alan
6. Simplenews "Newsletter" setup - 1 x every two weeks, summary of external info + internal news
7. Poll on front page (rotate weekly?)
8. analysis: links/synthesis/discussion of existing carbontax policies and proposals towards building a consensus - Paul
9. Forum setup [related to 8.?] - will need moderation - not yet ...
10. "My carbon footprint" - calculator? issue of embodied energy? implications of a carbon tax?
11. Design: yellow - blue? 'spring' - fresh/new (spring election timing?) - simple/clean - "growth" - natural
- need a logo
- nice to get a real design
Project Sustainability Goal:
1. three groups:
supporters: orgs + groups who can provide $, sweat equity, endorsement, links
participants: individuals who register on the site and support the goals of the site [require registration legal agreement module] - "willing to engage in respectful dialogue"
sponsors: supporters who are also willing to take ownership of the results.